Mac’s Backyard (with Annie and Poppy)

Mac’s Backyard (with Annie and Poppy)

by Annie and Poppy

Hello. I am Annie. Sometimes Dave and M call me Annabelle – but only when I am up to mischief. I became part of the family at Tallagandra Hill in early 2021 a few months after the great sadness here when Rockstar Mac passed away. I was super nervous about venturing into Mac’s Backyard because…

Mac’s Final Word

by Annie and Poppy

And so it is – time to say goodbye. I thought we had more time but my body tricked me into putting all my energy into fixing my leg and none of us knew I had a dark cloud growing inside me. Not that he knew it, but kind of fitting that Dave’s final gift…

Security! Where do you think you’re going with my wine?

by Annie and Poppy

I have been talking to Dave for 2 years now about security. He seems to rely on me to patrol the property and keep everything in order. Well Dave – like you, I’m not as young as I once was you know. And you confuse me anyway. One minute it’s Mac the marketing manager, all…

Posing for photos….

by Annie and Poppy

Dave is still dragging me out for walks around the vineyard even in the freezing cold. I don’t think he realises that it’s bloody cold up there. I know it’s perfectly OK for the vines until they ‘burst into life’, as Dave calls it, but not so great for this old pooch. I did watch…

Let there be light!

by Annie and Poppy

Well it only took 3 months I suppose. Lots of my favourite sniffing zone was dug up, and Dave spent an eternity digging holes, lifting poles, poking and prodding. Finally I get it. Dave was putting some lights up to help me find the kangaroo poo at night. Brilliant. Slow, but brilliant nonetheless. The problem…

Mac’s Moving Feast

by Annie and Poppy

Well Dave has excelled yet again! I followed him out to the gate to put a new sign out. Talk about mission impossible – I kept trying to tell him to tie it down. Afterall, you didn’t have to be Einstein to know it was a bit blowy. We almost parachuted down to Gundaroo. Anyway,…

New job as a cleaner

by Annie and Poppy

I swapped roles today. Dave took me down to do my usual host job – I took one look at it and said ‘Dave you’ve got to be joking!’ 60 adults and 60 kids running riot. Dave called it an event; I call it chaos. My best option was probably to hide under the table…

Lights, action

by Annie and Poppy

They dragged me down to the cellar door on a very cold night. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but turns out there were a bus load of crazy people all dressed up in furs (think they were trying to be like me!) arriving for what they called ‘Christmas in July’. The leader of…


by Annie and Poppy

You’re not going to believe this, but I think Dave might finally be getting his act together. How long has it taken for him to realise that the only real value in his beloved grape vines is to make sticks for me! Finally. We spent a whole morning walking up and down the vines –…

All this talk about cool climate wines!

by Annie and Poppy

I’ve got to tell you it’s not cool in Gundaroo – it’s bloody cold. The pour vines have had a haircut too. Imagine how they must feel! It was never like this in Newtown in my old stomping ground. Dave still insists on dragging me out for a morning walk in the middle of winter,…

Tractor Trouble

by Annie and Poppy

Dave is always getting into trouble on the tractor. He seems to have the car permanently hooked up to it with these big red leads. There is always something not working right. I think he should ditch it and get a pack of my mates to pull stuff around. Whatever happened to dog power anyway?…

Vinyl records

by Annie and Poppy

Dave is obsessed with old stuff. It all started with what he calls vinyl records – some sort of plastic discs that are no good for chasing at all but produce music when he puts them on a machine of some sort. I wasn’t so keen – seemed like a waste of time and space…

Marketing Manager

by Annie and Poppy

I am doing my best as marketing manager – not that I ever asked for the job. They always roll me out when a group of customers arrive. But I have to say – I know bugger all about grapes, in fact I’m not even allowed to eat them. Weird that Dave would choose to…

What’s wrong with food

by Annie and Poppy

Everyone keeps saying I’m obsessed with food. Unfair. I don’t know what they’re on about – Dave barely gives me enough to fuel my old engine and M keeps telling him to stop feeding me – I’m confused! Anyway, people who come into the cellar door are the ones who are obsessed with food. I…


by Annie and Poppy

Dave spent hours out in the heat putting nets over the vines, and I don’t get it. What a lot of palaver! Does Dave seriously think the birds won’t break in if they really want to! They’re not stupid you know and they have a habit of sticking their beaks in where they don’t belong….

Old Stuff

by Annie and Poppy

Dave is sneaky when he gets old stuff. He drags me off to all sorts of places and I sit there smiling at various hobos looking to get rid of their useless crap, all the time thinking ‘what is M going to say about this’. Of course he doesn’t tell M – all very cloak…

Christmas present

by Annie and Poppy

Dave’s ‘Piece de resistance’ as he called it (he thinks he is cool when he jibbers a bit of French) was M’s Christmas present. What a joke! M, like any other woman, would no doubt like jewelery or clothes or even a new puppy for me to play with and her to cuddle. But oh…

Mac, our previous marketing manager who masqueraded as a golden retriever, wrote about our winery experience for a time. Relive the events on his blog and enthralling stories through the eyes of a best friend.